I am waiting for #Apple to make wireless earbuds with active noise cancelling and great battery life. Probably won’t be in 2019 or even 2020. mashable.com/article/beats-…
It’s good to have 100 million subscribers, but when will #Spotify be profitable? forbes.com/sites/caitlink…
It’s good to have 100 million subscribers, but when will #Spotify be profitable? forbes.com/sites/caitlink…
It’s time to check out #TypeScript, should be okay for JS developers. zdnet.com/article/could-…
It’s time to check out #TypeScript, should be okay for JS developers. zdnet.com/article/could-…
When will people start to understand that #Microsoft can change and do good for #opensource whilst making lots of money as a full IT service provider? zdnet.com/article/apache…
When will people start to understand that #Microsoft can change and do good for #opensource whilst making lots of money as a full IT service provider? zdnet.com/article/apache…
#Netflix and #Disney+ can coexist for many years providing they both invest a lot in original content. Unlike #Spotify which can be easily replaced by Google, Apple or Amazon. pcmag.com/news/367998/di…
#Netflix and #Disney+ can coexist for many years providing they both invest a lot in original content. Unlike #Spotify which can be easily replaced by Google, Apple or Amazon. pcmag.com/news/367998/di…
Now we know the price for #Uber to sell-out. $500m to have #Paypal as a payment partner which they don’t need. siliconangle.com/2019/04/28/ube…
Now we know the price for #Uber to sell-out. $500m to have #Paypal as a payment partner which they don’t need. siliconangle.com/2019/04/28/ube…
$1.2B is a lot of money. But if you count up the impressive cast, they can’t be paying each star that much money. #AvergersEndgame edition.cnn.com/2019/04/28/med…
$1.2B is a lot of money. But if you count up the impressive cast, they can’t be paying each star that much money. #AvergersEndgame edition.cnn.com/2019/04/28/med…
It’s not the first time #Apple removes apps for misusing MDM features. slashgear.com/apple-removes-…
It’s not the first time #Apple removes apps for misusing MDM features. slashgear.com/apple-removes-…
#NYTimes ignored key parts of the official response from #Apple. But we are so used to these now. They won’t retract or apologise and push ahead to publish for the sake of attracting more eye-balls. 9to5mac.com/2019/04/28/app…
#NYTimes ignored key parts of the official response from #Apple. But we are so used to these now. They won’t retract or apologise and push ahead to publish for the…
#AWS has done a lot to promote open source software as the largest cloud computing provider. onezero.medium.com/open-source-be…
#AWS has done a lot to promote open source software as the largest cloud computing provider. onezero.medium.com/open-source-be…