#NYTimes ignored key parts of the official response from #Apple. But we are so used to these now. They won’t retract or apologise and push ahead to publish for the…
#AWS has done a lot to promote open source software as the largest cloud computing provider. onezero.medium.com/open-source-be…
#AWS has done a lot to promote open source software as the largest cloud computing provider. onezero.medium.com/open-source-be…
What’s the point of a penalty if it doesn’t deter #Facebook to violate user #privacy again? It seems more like a well considered cost of doing business for them. techcrunch.com/2019/04/24/fac…
What’s the point of a penalty if it doesn’t deter #Facebook to violate user #privacy again? It seems more like a well considered cost of doing business for them. techcrunch.com/2019/04/24/fac…
What’s if the actual measurable work performance has been lower since the event for these people? Spending even more time to complain about work is the solution? wired.com/story/google-w…
What’s if the actual measurable work performance has been lower since the event for these people? Spending even more time to complain about work is the solution? wired.com/story/google-w…
Not surprised that #Apple is using AWS for #iCloud, they have a true multi-cloud strategy. qz.com/1601476/amazon…
Not surprised that #Apple is using AWS for #iCloud, they have a true multi-cloud strategy. qz.com/1601476/amazon…
It is still too early. Waiting for the price to be competitive with real beef. Maybe in 10-20 years it can significantly impact the farming industry. techcrunch.com/2019/04/22/bey…
It is still too early. Waiting for the price to be competitive with real beef. Maybe in 10-20 years it can significantly impact the farming industry. techcrunch.com/2019/04/22/bey…
Don’t think #Tesla has delivered a million cars yet. Is this just another attempt to annoy the SEC, this time by implying production numbers with related services? cnbc.com/2019/04/22/elo…
Don’t think #Tesla has delivered a million cars yet. Is this just another attempt to annoy the SEC, this time by implying production numbers with related services? cnbc.com/2019/04/22/elo…
Will have to wait and see if #HuaweiMateX is more reliable than #SamsungGalaxyFold. (I don’t like the notch anyway.) motherboard.vice.com/amp/en_us/arti…
Will have to wait and see if #HuaweiMateX is more reliable than #SamsungGalaxyFold. (I don’t like the notch anyway.) motherboard.vice.com/amp/en_us/arti…
My next major computing upgrade will be for 8k resolution. Will have to wait until 50inch 8k drop to $1.5k or so and need a Mac that can drive it at 60+ frames per second. Probably last upgrade before retina resolution #AR/VR goggles computing takes over. smarthouse.com.au/apple-tipped-t…
My next major computing upgrade will be for 8k resolution. Will have to wait until 50inch 8k drop to $1.5k or so and need a Mac that can drive it…
Elon knows clearly that #Tesla competitors are not just relying on Lidar. It is hard to agree that more data, including info that humans can’t easily detect, won’t help in more accurate machine predictions. #AI techcrunch.com/2019/04/22/any…
Elon knows clearly that #Tesla competitors are not just relying on Lidar. It is hard to agree that more data, including info that humans can’t easily detect, won’t help in…