#Firefox isn’t the second most popular browser. #Safari is the default on all #iOS devices, that’s already much more than Firefox. gizmodo.com/new-firefox-co…
Third time lucky? Hopefully #Apple have fixed the keyboard issue for good. Will this be the last keyboard before a full touchscreen keyboard MacBook? wired.com/story/apple-ma…
Third time lucky? Hopefully #Apple have fixed the keyboard issue for good. Will this be the last keyboard before a full touchscreen keyboard MacBook? wired.com/story/apple-ma…
What US is doing to #Huawei can happen to #Tesla in China. fortune.com/2019/05/21/tes…
What US is doing to #Huawei can happen to #Tesla in China. fortune.com/2019/05/21/tes…
Is it hard to imagine #Huawei, #Xiaomi and #OPPO being top 3 global handset makers in a few years? They are already in the top 5. Just need to overtake Apple and Samsung. bloomberg.com/news/videos/20…
Is it hard to imagine #Huawei, #Xiaomi and #OPPO being top 3 global handset makers in a few years? They are already in the top 5. Just need to overtake…
Yes, a make or break situation. It might make #Huawei stronger as the number 1 handset manufacturer whilst breaking #Google’s control over #Android. reuters.com/article/us-hua…
Yes, a make or break situation. It might make #Huawei stronger as the number 1 handset manufacturer whilst breaking #Google‘s control over #Android. reuters.com/article/us-hua…
#Tradewar is going all digital. The risk is high for both sides. Can be a turning point for global tech leadership. pcmag.com/news/368479/us…
#Tradewar is going all digital. The risk is high for both sides. Can be a turning point for global tech leadership. pcmag.com/news/368479/us…
Will this force #Huawei to fork #Android and damage #Google in the long run? Google services are not included in most handsets in China anyway, can Microsoft or Amazon step in to this opportunity outside China? bbc.co.uk/news/business-…
Will this force #Huawei to fork #Android and damage #Google in the long run? Google services are not included in most handsets in China anyway, can Microsoft or Amazon step…
#Sony had to pick the lesser evil to partner with. usatoday.com/story/tech/new…
#Sony had to pick the lesser evil to partner with. usatoday.com/story/tech/new…
Should #Spotify make hardware? Most new cars can install the app anyway. 9to5toys.com/2019/05/17/car…
Should #Spotify make hardware? Most new cars can install the app anyway. 9to5toys.com/2019/05/17/car…
What’s if #Uber or #Lyft merge with #Tesla? Stop selling cars but build their own fleet of highly (not totally) automated taxi service. theverge.com/2019/5/17/1862…
What’s if #Uber or #Lyft merge with #Tesla? Stop selling cars but build their own fleet of highly (not totally) automated taxi service. theverge.com/2019/5/17/1862…