#WWDC2019 Wishlist: Smarter 2FA #security. When my phone is next to my Macbook, why ask me to enter the code manually? Or when I go to iCloud.com on my Mac,…
#WWDC2019 Wishlist: #Safari bookmarks to sync with other browsers on Mac finally? Not using third party tools, but natively as it can do with iCloud bookmarks for Windows.
#WWDC2019 Wishlist: #Safari bookmarks to sync with other browsers on Mac finally? Not using third party tools, but natively as it can do with iCloud bookmarks for Windows.
Qwerty did it. 😀 https://twitter.com/Casey/status/1131906996721078272
Qwerty did it. 😀 shoutout to the person who decided to put O right below 0 on the keyboard. that's a typo that never needs c0rrecting. pic.twitter.com/0US1FJj9vT — Casey Neistat…
We have been enjoying free messaging for too long. SMS used to cost money. And we used to send fewer spammy messages. bgr.com/2019/05/22/wha…
We have been enjoying free messaging for too long. SMS used to cost money. And we used to send fewer spammy messages. bgr.com/2019/05/22/wha…
Smart move. Why have a market cap of 516.29B when you can mint coins and get billions (top 10 coins are all worth billions) for free and no strings attached? https://twitter.com/ruskin147/status/1131783658271137797
Smart move. Why have a market cap of 516.29B when you can mint coins and get billions (top 10 coins are all worth billions) for free and no strings attached?…
Let’s spend time playing around with #WebAssembly. techrepublic.com/google-amp/art…
Let’s spend time playing around with #WebAssembly. techrepublic.com/google-amp/art…
Software should be okay. But there aren’t many good or popular open source processor architectures to base on, and hard to reinvent one quickly. Can’t buy Intel or AMD, still tricky to buy ARM from Softbank. china.org.cn/china/2019-05/…
Software should be okay. But there aren’t many good or popular open source processor architectures to base on, and hard to reinvent one quickly. Can’t buy Intel or AMD, still…
It’s Friday! I can watch this all day. https://twitter.com/MichaelGalanin/status/1131392700190736385
It’s Friday! I can watch this all day. https://twitter.com/MichaelGalanin/status/1131392700190736385
#Facebook has about 2.37 billion monthly active users, but culled 3 billion fake profiles. We don’t seem to realise how big fake news/info problem of social media. bbc.com/news/technolog…
#Facebook has about 2.37 billion monthly active users, but culled 3 billion fake profiles. We don’t seem to realise how big fake news/info problem of social media. bbc.com/news/technolog…
Guess this is more useful than beating us in Chess and Go. #AI zdnet.com/article/ibm-wa…
Guess this is more useful than beating us in Chess and Go. #AI zdnet.com/article/ibm-wa…