Fat people keep getting fatter, really? #AI #MachineLearning #Blockchain #GPT2 medium.com/@eplt/fat-peop…
The new #AirPodsPro is good. But I am waiting for the new #PowerBeatsPro to have ANC with 8-9 hours of battery life. beatsbydre.com/hk/earphones/p…
The new #AirPodsPro is good. But I am waiting for the new #PowerBeatsPro to have ANC with 8-9 hours of battery life. beatsbydre.com/hk/earphones/p…
Can #ApplePay + #AppleCard be as widely used in the US as #Alipay or #WeChatPay in China? pcmag.com/news/371719/go…
Can #ApplePay + #AppleCard be as widely used in the US as #Alipay or #WeChatPay in China? pcmag.com/news/371719/go…
To be more precise, #Google bought #Fitbit so the data won’t get to #Facebook. It is the 2nd largest health/fitness data pool after #Apple. finance.yahoo.com/news/googles-a…
To be more precise, #Google bought #Fitbit so the data won’t get to #Facebook. It is the 2nd largest health/fitness data pool after #Apple. finance.yahoo.com/news/googles-a…
#Google can’t make #Fitbit cool again. Remember #Nest and #Moto? But they know how valuable the health data is. theverge.com/2019/11/1/2094…
#Google can’t make #Fitbit cool again. Remember #Nest and #Moto? But they know how valuable the health data is. theverge.com/2019/11/1/2094…
It might be annoying if you just bought #Airpods2 recently only to find out you should have got noise cancellation ones with #AirpodsPro. musictech.net/news/airpods-p…
It might be annoying if you just bought #Airpods2 recently only to find out you should have got noise cancellation ones with #AirpodsPro. musictech.net/news/airpods-p…
We all know this is more of a rescue bid for #Fitbit. They chose not to use #WearOS and #Google can’t make money from devices! androidcentral.com/google-buying-…
We all know this is more of a rescue bid for #Fitbit. They chose not to use #WearOS and #Google can’t make money from devices! androidcentral.com/google-buying-…
#HomePod update is nearly a gigabyte! Now you know why it is more than just an ordinary smart speaker. :) pic.twitter.com/aplsCpNsre
#HomePod update is nearly a gigabyte! Now you know why it is more than just an ordinary smart speaker. 🙂 pic.twitter.com/aplsCpNsre
With or without LTPO display technology, it is expected that 2020 #iPhone will have full day battery life, full 24 hours video playback. imore.com/report-claims-…
With or without LTPO display technology, it is expected that 2020 #iPhone will have full day battery life, full 24 hours video playback. imore.com/report-claims-…
#Bitcoin #Crypto and #Blockchain are still confusing most people. #China is endorsing the technology for permanent auditable digital records, not unregulated currencies. siliconangle.com/2019/10/27/bit…
#Bitcoin #Crypto and #Blockchain are still confusing most people. #China is endorsing the technology for permanent auditable digital records, not unregulated currencies. siliconangle.com/2019/10/27/bit…