
eplt tech blog

Worst case of recalling 159k is not that bad. Most large motor companies have recalled millions of vehicles over the years. #Tesla just qualified as a large company, right? Not expecting them to have larger recalls in the future? thenextweb.com/shift/2020/11/…

Worst case of recalling 159k is not that bad. Most large motor companies have recalled millions of vehicles over the years. #Tesla just qualified as a large company, right? Not…

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Why tech giants need to be regulated? These kind of “free” offerings strategy stopped other startups getting into the market, until they starved off all competitors and grew “too big”, then start charging. #Google cnet.com/news/google-ph…

Why tech giants need to be regulated? These kind of “free” offerings strategy stopped other startups getting into the market, until they starved off all competitors and grew “too big”,…

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