
eplt tech blog

#WWDC21 When #Apple talks about health-tech, they keep reminding users that #privacy is fundamentally protected. And they won’t do anything to abuse that trust. But many health-tech startups were funded because of data value, will need to rethink and rebuild the business model!

#WWDC21 When #Apple talks about health-tech, they keep reminding users that #privacy is fundamentally protected. And they won’t do anything to abuse that trust. But many health-tech startups were funded…

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#WWDC21 Using #iPad to create apps for #AppStore distribution. Don’t underestimate what non-geek (kids, elderly, amateurs, etc) programmers can do. They will use it to solve problems that are previously deemed “non-commercially viable” and they are not in it for the money.

#WWDC21 Using #iPad to create apps for #AppStore distribution. Don’t underestimate what non-geek (kids, elderly, amateurs, etc) programmers can do. They will use it to solve problems that are previously…

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