#Google not winning SMEs over since started to charge for G Suite, now rebrand as #GoogleWorkspace and make it “free” again. They don’t have a good record on freemium for…
New #BeatsStudioBuds. Much cheaper than #AirPodsPro, just without wireless charging and spatial audio. Better battery life if you don’t need spatial audio. apple.com/shop/product/M…
New #BeatsStudioBuds. Much cheaper than #AirPodsPro, just without wireless charging and spatial audio. Better battery life if you don’t need spatial audio. apple.com/shop/product/M…
Just finished reading “Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment” by Daniel Kahneman. Key point: bias is the average error in judgments, noise is the variability of error. amazon.com/Noise-Human-Ju…
Just finished reading “Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment” by Daniel Kahneman. Key point: bias is the average error in judgments, noise is the variability of error. amazon.com/Noise-Human-Ju…
Trying to beat #Ethereum with better smartcontract support? Should just push ahead to fix the PoW issues. #bitcoin cnbc.com/2021/06/12/bit…
Trying to beat #Ethereum with better smartcontract support? Should just push ahead to fix the PoW issues. #bitcoin cnbc.com/2021/06/12/bit…
Maybe #crypto mining is no longer important to China. coindesk.com/chinas-yunnan-…
Maybe #crypto mining is no longer important to China. coindesk.com/chinas-yunnan-…
Looking back, might be good “reason” why FabToken was removed from #Hyperledger Fabric 2 release. #blockchain #crypto ledgerinsights.com/ibm-open-sourc…
Looking back, might be good “reason” why FabToken was removed from #Hyperledger Fabric 2 release. #blockchain #crypto ledgerinsights.com/ibm-open-sourc…
Great news for #Hyperledger Fabric! Still the leading enterprise ready #blockchain tech. Fit into traditional business trust and cost models, none of the wasteful mining PoW or rich hodler gets richer PoS. Yes, I am a fan. ibm.com/blogs/blockcha…
Great news for #Hyperledger Fabric! Still the leading enterprise ready #blockchain tech. Fit into traditional business trust and cost models, none of the wasteful mining PoW or rich hodler gets…
$250 billion is not a lot. FAAMG together spends well over $100B each year on R&D. If anything, the money will help them grow even bigger, suck more money out with higher profit margin. axios.com/senate-china-c…
$250 billion is not a lot. FAAMG together spends well over $100B each year on R&D. If anything, the money will help them grow even bigger, suck more money out…
You can start prototyping UWB based indoor mapping solution with this SDK, compatible with U1 chip enabled #iPhones and #AppleWatch. nxp.com/products/wirel…
You can start prototyping UWB based indoor mapping solution with this SDK, compatible with U1 chip enabled #iPhones and #AppleWatch. nxp.com/products/wirel…
#Apple introduced M1 Macs last November, when was the last time they had a shorter hardware update cycle than a year? Why are these so called “leakers” making news? macrumors.com/2021/06/08/new…
#Apple introduced M1 Macs last November, when was the last time they had a shorter hardware update cycle than a year? Why are these so called “leakers” making news? macrumors.com/2021/06/08/new…