This is exactly the threat which governments will try to address, the anonymity aspect of #crypto, how else are they going to collect taxes? #bitcoin…
We can accept human driver errors causing deaths to other road users but we can’t allow technology to be imperfect, not even with the same insurance coverage. #AI #AutonomousVehicles…
We can accept human driver errors causing deaths to other road users but we can’t allow technology to be imperfect, not even with the same insurance coverage. #AI #AutonomousVehicles…
So for #Facebook, does it mean they can’t offer Chat, Groups, Photos, News, etc, as default features? And have to give modular or API access to other providers? How about #Tesla, can’t provide steering wheel but a range of options from all 3rd party?…
So for #Facebook, does it mean they can’t offer Chat, Groups, Photos, News, etc, as default features? And have to give modular or API access to other providers? How about…
#Sonos could have created their own platform with their own smart assistant and #IoT integration. Wait, they are a leech on a platform, but expecting full privileges and rewards. Since when is capitalism fully democratic?…
#Sonos could have created their own platform with their own smart assistant and #IoT integration. Wait, they are a leech on a platform, but expecting full privileges and rewards. Since…
I hope Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s code sells for more than #jackdorsey first tweet. #NFT #Crypto…
I hope Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s code sells for more than #jackdorsey first tweet. #NFT #Crypto…
#Google not winning SMEs over since started to charge for G Suite, now rebrand as #GoogleWorkspace and make it “free” again. They don’t have a good record on freemium for business users.…
#Google not winning SMEs over since started to charge for G Suite, now rebrand as #GoogleWorkspace and make it “free” again. They don’t have a good record on freemium for…
New #BeatsStudioBuds. Much cheaper than #AirPodsPro, just without wireless charging and spatial audio. Better battery life if you don’t need spatial audio.…
New #BeatsStudioBuds. Much cheaper than #AirPodsPro, just without wireless charging and spatial audio. Better battery life if you don’t need spatial audio.…
Just finished reading “Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment” by Daniel Kahneman. Key point: bias is the average error in judgments, noise is the variability of error.…
Just finished reading “Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment” by Daniel Kahneman. Key point: bias is the average error in judgments, noise is the variability of error.…
Trying to beat #Ethereum with better smartcontract support? Should just push ahead to fix the PoW issues. #bitcoin…
Trying to beat #Ethereum with better smartcontract support? Should just push ahead to fix the PoW issues. #bitcoin…
Maybe #crypto mining is no longer important to China.…
Maybe #crypto mining is no longer important to China.…