#BraveSearch. Over ambitious, aiming at beating #Google. It will be hard to even beat #duckduckgo to be #6! brave.com/search/#search…
Anyone still buy SSL certificates for a few hundred dollars each year? #security #privacy makeuseof.com/how-to-get-fre…
Anyone still buy SSL certificates for a few hundred dollars each year? #security #privacy makeuseof.com/how-to-get-fre…
Can #Hyundai be the first to make a consumer ready #IronMan suit? newatlas.com/robotics/hyund…
Can #Hyundai be the first to make a consumer ready #IronMan suit? newatlas.com/robotics/hyund…
#Peloton can introduce a power generator feature, then sell the electricity back to you to charge the phone that you need to pay them with. It’s all about money. mashable.com/article/peloto…
#Peloton can introduce a power generator feature, then sell the electricity back to you to charge the phone that you need to pay them with. It’s all about money. mashable.com/article/peloto…
@appleinsider Over 25% #Apple Users will end up buying #iPhone13 and over half will install #iOS15.
@appleinsider Over 25% #Apple Users will end up buying #iPhone13 and over half will install #iOS15.
Over 25% #Apple Users will end up buying #iPhone13 and over half will install #iOS15. appleinsider.com/articles/21/06…
Over 25% #Apple Users will end up buying #iPhone13 and over half will install #iOS15. appleinsider.com/articles/21/06…
#Apple and #Amazon are well positioned to just buy the very premium content without being too threatening. Can still co-operate with other major film studios. #Netflix can’t do that easily. apple.com/tv-pr/news/202…
#Apple and #Amazon are well positioned to just buy the very premium content without being too threatening. Can still co-operate with other major film studios. #Netflix can’t do that easily….
“Black Swan” author Nassim Taleb didn’t say #Bitcoin value is zero but expected value is no higher than 0. Can be negative. #Crypto nassimtaleb.org/2021/06/bitcoi…
“Black Swan” author Nassim Taleb didn’t say #Bitcoin value is zero but expected value is no higher than 0. Can be negative. #Crypto nassimtaleb.org/2021/06/bitcoi…
Wow. Many years late and still just talking about 4G coverage in #UK. Maybe #5G by 2030? tfl.gov.uk/info-for/media…
Wow. Many years late and still just talking about 4G coverage in #UK. Maybe #5G by 2030? tfl.gov.uk/info-for/media…
A useful little #macOS app for locking the keyboard so you can clean it (or pretend to be typing at work). folivora.ai/keyboardcleant…
A useful little #macOS app for locking the keyboard so you can clean it (or pretend to be typing at work). folivora.ai/keyboardcleant…