#ElonMusk should invite Neil deGrasse Tyson to fly on his first #SpaceX commoners flight. entrepreneur.com/article/377212
No one is expecting a surge in #COVID19 cases in the next 14 days as a direct result of the #Euro2020Final gatherings? Should just give everyone 14 days off to drink regardless. bbc.com/news/uk-578096…
No one is expecting a surge in #COVID19 cases in the next 14 days as a direct result of the #Euro2020Final gatherings? Should just give everyone 14 days off to…
Can we get #Hollywood to update their creative vision for spacesuits? Hope #Bezos won’t be wearing blue for his #blueorigin trip. foxbusiness.com/technology/vir…
Can we get #Hollywood to update their creative vision for spacesuits? Hope #Bezos won’t be wearing blue for his #blueorigin trip. foxbusiness.com/technology/vir…
Only if life is so simple. Make lots of money, decide you no longer want to pay American global #tax on your #crypto #bitcoin profit, get another passport. And Voila! #IRS won’t come after you. cnbc.com/2021/07/11/pla…
Only if life is so simple. Make lots of money, decide you no longer want to pay American global #tax on your #crypto #bitcoin profit, get another passport. And Voila!…
Saw a great 3D virtual expo intro page for WAIC event, but can’t find it anymore. Been playing with various cool 3D sites since. #WebGL is fun. modelviewer.dev
Saw a great 3D virtual expo intro page for WAIC event, but can’t find it anymore. Been playing with various cool 3D sites since. #WebGL is fun. modelviewer.dev
I have been trying to find an excuse to buy an #AirTag, it’s one of the cheapest #Apple toy. But I just can’t think of what I can use it for. Maybe my umbrella, but I am secretly wishing to lose it because I have been using the same one for over 10 years. theverge.com/22570161/apple…
I have been trying to find an excuse to buy an #AirTag, it’s one of the cheapest #Apple toy. But I just can’t think of what I can use it…
#Chrome will remain as the most popular browser because of #Android. But #MicrosoftEdge can be the most popular desktop browser if they keep up the good work. beebom.com/microsoft-edge…
#Chrome will remain as the most popular browser because of #Android. But #MicrosoftEdge can be the most popular desktop browser if they keep up the good work. beebom.com/microsoft-edge…
#BillGates did the same back in the selling DOS to IBM days. Just focus on key features and market them as revolutionary. 9to5mac.com/2021/07/09/une…
#BillGates did the same back in the selling DOS to IBM days. Just focus on key features and market them as revolutionary. 9to5mac.com/2021/07/09/une…
#iPhone battery size (comparing the top model) grew by ~3x since launch, but usage/playback time didn’t grow 3x. When will we get full day battery life? knowyourmobile.com/user-guides/ip…
#iPhone battery size (comparing the top model) grew by ~3x since launch, but usage/playback time didn’t grow 3x. When will we get full day battery life? knowyourmobile.com/user-guides/ip…
“Remember: a singular decision is a recurrent decision that is made only once.” Excerpt From: “Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment”. amazon.com/gp/product/031…
“Remember: a singular decision is a recurrent decision that is made only once.” Excerpt From: “Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment”. amazon.com/gp/product/031…