$699 for #GoPro’s Fusion 360-degree VR camera. Still far too expensive and people aren’t watching many VR clips. engadget.com/2017/09/28/gop…
Great first day of trading for #Roku. But long term to beat #Amazon, #Google, #Apple, etc? Tricky. thestreet.com/story/14322737…
Great first day of trading for #Roku. But long term to beat #Amazon, #Google, #Apple, etc? Tricky. thestreet.com/story/14322737…
US small businesses to get tools from federal government to guard networks from cyber threats. #Security thehill.com/policy/cyberse…
US small businesses to get tools from federal government to guard networks from cyber threats. #Security thehill.com/policy/cyberse…
It’s hard to expect teens to read terms and conditions. That’s what parents are for? #privacy bbc.com/news/technolog…
It’s hard to expect teens to read terms and conditions. That’s what parents are for? #privacy bbc.com/news/technolog…
Can we also take time to reinvent “sign language”? Or just improve IT #accessibility for all. thenextweb.com/insider/2017/0…
Can we also take time to reinvent “sign language”? Or just improve IT #accessibility for all. thenextweb.com/insider/2017/0…
Lots of info about fast-charging, wireless charging, etc. #Qi is taking over mobile charging now. digitaltrends.com/mobile/how-doe…
Lots of info about fast-charging, wireless charging, etc. #Qi is taking over mobile charging now. digitaltrends.com/mobile/how-doe…
Sometimes I wonder can journalists write these and then criticize #sexism in tech industry fairly? inc.com/elizabeth-gore…
Sometimes I wonder can journalists write these and then criticize #sexism in tech industry fairly? inc.com/elizabeth-gore…
Edible sensor to keep food fresh. Can change how we use smart fridge in the future. #SmartHome #IoT techcrunch.com/2017/09/28/thi…
Edible sensor to keep food fresh. Can change how we use smart fridge in the future. #SmartHome #IoT techcrunch.com/2017/09/28/thi…
#AppleMusic 30m paid subscribers, half of #Spotify’s base, but much more profitable with long term plan. cultofmac.com/505709/jimmy-i…
#AppleMusic 30m paid subscribers, half of #Spotify‘s base, but much more profitable with long term plan. cultofmac.com/505709/jimmy-i…
This wasn’t first major election won with unregulated #socialmedia. But first with result many still can’t accept. recode.net/2017/9/28/1637…
This wasn’t first major election won with unregulated #socialmedia. But first with result many still can’t accept. recode.net/2017/9/28/1637…