“Made for Google”, when they don’t have a good track record on consistency with hardware products? pocketnow.com/2017/10/02/mad…
Still waiting for a truly global mobile subscription. Can be done. We will get there eventually. #Truphone telegraph.co.uk/technology/201…
Still waiting for a truly global mobile subscription. Can be done. We will get there eventually. #Truphone telegraph.co.uk/technology/201…
#Tivo is the ultimate anti-SmartTV. Just look at the number of buttons on that remote control. theverge.com/circuitbreaker…
#Tivo is the ultimate anti-SmartTV. Just look at the number of buttons on that remote control. theverge.com/circuitbreaker…
A beta program just for one model out of 100s of #AndroidWear devices. We can’t take the platform seriously. androidcentral.com/android-wear-b…
A beta program just for one model out of 100s of #AndroidWear devices. We can’t take the platform seriously. androidcentral.com/android-wear-b…
Can #Snapchat provide similar #AR experience on #Android and new #iPhone? mashable.com/2017/10/02/sna…
Can #Snapchat provide similar #AR experience on #Android and new #iPhone? mashable.com/2017/10/02/sna…
Kubernetes might be example of #Google #OpenSource getting wide enterprise use, but for #Oracle #Microsoft to win. thenewstack.io/google-contain…
Kubernetes might be example of #Google #OpenSource getting wide enterprise use, but for #Oracle #Microsoft to win. thenewstack.io/google-contain…
Cybersecurity #startup #ForeScout files IPO. #IoT #security will be very important for success of #SmartHome. siliconangle.com/blog/2017/10/0…
Cybersecurity #startup #ForeScout files IPO. #IoT #security will be very important for success of #SmartHome. siliconangle.com/blog/2017/10/0…
Will they be helping to totally reimagine disaster ready power system in Puerto Rico? dailydot.com/debug/sonnen-e…
Will they be helping to totally reimagine disaster ready power system in Puerto Rico? dailydot.com/debug/sonnen-e…
1 in 3 unicorns is now born in #China. When will other #BRICS countries catch up? qz.com/1088945/one-in…
1 in 3 unicorns is now born in #China. When will other #BRICS countries catch up? qz.com/1088945/one-in…
All experienced #CTOs will know not to rely on single provider where sensible, always have a Plan B. searchnetworking.techtarget.com/feature/Multic…
All experienced #CTOs will know not to rely on single provider where sensible, always have a Plan B. searchnetworking.techtarget.com/feature/Multic…