#Microsoft will be able to use #AI to find top coders easily with #LinkedIn and #Github. techcrunch.com/2019/05/14/lin…
#Google will take your user privacy seriously? They won’t use any data from you to sell more ads? reuters.com/article/us-alp…
#Google will take your user privacy seriously? They won’t use any data from you to sell more ads? reuters.com/article/us-alp…
RT @Forbes: forbes.com/sites/michaeld…
RT @Forbes: forbes.com/sites/michaeld…
Is this likely to force #Apple to open up #iOS to allow third party apps to bypass #AppStore? No. zdnet.com/article/goodby…
Is this likely to force #Apple to open up #iOS to allow third party apps to bypass #AppStore? No. zdnet.com/article/goodby…
Angela Ahrendts was expensive, but that’s the price #Apple had to pay for picking the wrong retail head last time and not keeping Ron Johnson before that. amp.businessinsider.com/angela-ahrendt…
Angela Ahrendts was expensive, but that’s the price #Apple had to pay for picking the wrong retail head last time and not keeping Ron Johnson before that. amp.businessinsider.com/angela-ahrendt…
When #Google started making Nexus phones many years ago, was more of a reference phone for latest #Android software. Will they start using custom hardware to lock down special Google only features in the future? t3.com/news/did-googl…
When #Google started making Nexus phones many years ago, was more of a reference phone for latest #Android software. Will they start using custom hardware to lock down special Google…
#Uber and #Lyft will both be fine. Won’t be too long before they rise above IPO prices and move forward. Next question is, will #Didi have a bigger IPO? techcrunch.com/2019/05/10/ube…
#Uber and #Lyft will both be fine. Won’t be too long before they rise above IPO prices and move forward. Next question is, will #Didi have a bigger IPO? techcrunch.com/2019/05/10/ube…
Will we still be able to understand #AI? venturebeat.com/2019/05/10/mic…
Will we still be able to understand #AI? venturebeat.com/2019/05/10/mic…
#Uber must be doing something “special”. reuters.com/article/us-ube…
#Uber must be doing something “special”. reuters.com/article/us-ube…
If the new #iPhoneXR have dual camera, I will get that. forbes.com/sites/gordonke…
If the new #iPhoneXR have dual camera, I will get that. forbes.com/sites/gordonke…