It doesn’t lock users in anymore than they have already chosen to use the “minority” #iOS platform which requires free AppleID to start the device.…

It doesn’t lock users in anymore than they have already chosen to use the “minority” #iOS platform which requires free AppleID to start the device.

Why is it so hard for legislators to understand that we choose to use a closed platform with Apple. Often paying them more money and get less GHz or GB. But it lasts longer, gets latest updates for a 3-5 years, and just generally easier to use.

It’s not even about lock-in, we actively choose to trust Apple with our data and privacy. We all know AppleID is needed to start the devices, but it doesn’t force for anything too personal like Photo ID or Credit Card. Apple is not in the data business and doesn’t need to sell your data to anyone to make more money.

If anything, the Sign in with Apple is helping to make sure other app makers won’t get more of your data. Even assign a random email address so they can’t keep spamming you.…